SIA „CEMETY” is an enterprise that is engaged in cemetery digitization and is developing and maintaining a cemetery data digitization and management system. This system is developed in co-operation with municipality and cemetery maintenance specialists. Data input and information processing is made maximally easy for users of every age. \n
The CEMETY system is designed both for cemetery maintenance personnel and for resident convenience. Therefore, two portals are available: one for cemetery administration, and one for residents, where they can search for burial places and check maps.

- Digitized cemetery lay-out / map;
- Burial plots, burial plot's owner, maintenance and extension of burial plots;
- Flagging of burial plots, preparation and print-out of contracts;
- Preparation and print-out of invoices, possibility to become integrated with payment service providers;
- Maintenance of cemetery event calendar;
- Maintenance of cemetery profile;
- Burial plot and funeral statistics, forecasts etc.

- Searching for people's graves and burial places;
- Adding information about people and their burial sites (photos, life stories, commemorative notes, etc.);
- Information about cemetery activities (cemetery holidays, candle evenings and other events).
- Accessible from anywhere with Internet access;
- Installation is not required, available on all platforms;
- Small maintenance costs
- Programmers, administrators and servers are not required for operation; all services are included in the cost;
- Constant improvements and development of the system;
- System's consultant is available over the phone during work hours;
- Cemeteries can be easily and independently updated with infrastructural objects (roads, equipment, lines, etc.);
- Cemetery profile is provided without any additional costs;
- Public side of the portal, where residents can search and browse information about burial places, is provided without any additional costs;
- Data in any required format is available at any time.
To update information about a deceased person, search for the person of interest, click on the <Request Data Update> button, fill out the form, and submit the information. Within a few days, you'll receive confirmation of the data update or additional inquiries.
If you can't find information about the deceased, please check:
Another reason for the absence of information: